Some destinations are ideal for holidays and then there are some that are meant just for vacations and getaways. Thailand is undeniably one of the most popular tourist destinations in Asia. Reasonable Check-in brings you a cost-effective holiday to explore the culture, tourist attractions and mouthwatering Thai culinary delicacies. Phuket one of the most famous tourist places loved by families and couples equally. Krabi with beautiful beaches cannot be missed if you are visiting Thailand. If you are planning to visit Phuket and Krabi this summer then this article will surely help you out.IMG_20180506_144346099_HDR.jpg

Phuket has many monuments and structure as well as some awesome caves and famous Islands.

1. Wat Khao Rang : Located on the famous Khao Rang Hill, Wat Khao Rang is a small but very important Buddhist temple in PhuketIMG_20180503_110538116_HDR.jpg

2. Cashew nut Factory : A tour of the cashew nut factory will provide an insight into the processing of cashew nuts.

3. Big Bee Honey Farm : If you’re in the neighborhood don’t miss out visiting to the farm, where you might even be offered a small guided tour. And the honey is quite delicious

Phuket has one of the best open air sea food restaurants with an amazing sea view, called – Kan-Eang Seafood Restaurant. You will surely enjoy their mouthwatering sea food dishes with a breathtaking sea view.

4. Wat Mongkol Nimit.

5. Wat Chalong : Chalong Temple (Wat Chalong) is the largest of Phuket’s temples, and the most visited. Locals and many Thai tourists come to pray IMG_20180503_141802492_HDR.jpg

There are many famous islands in Phuket such as :

Panak Island for canoeing into the various caves like – Mud cave, Bat cave etc.                     Hong Island for its famous limestone rock and for canoeing around the lagoon.IMG_20180504_114825366_HDR.jpg                                                        world famous James Bond Island for its awesome view. Naka and Lawa Island for swimming and relaxing.


Phuket is also famous for its Night Markets for some great street food and various kinds of shopping. Recommended ones are : Chillva Night Market and Malin Plaza Night Market. Phuket & Krabi

Krabi is famous for its scenic view and breathtaking beaches and islands. Its coral reef vistas are also one of the world’s most beautiful.

Two main things to do for you when you are in Krabi –

  1. Seven Island Tour : 1) Koh Tan Ming & Koh Si,                                                                                                         2) Puya Bay                                                                                                      3) Chicken Island [ Snorkeling ]

                                          4) Tup Island

                                          5) Poda Island

                                          6) Phra Nang Cave

                                          7) Railay Beach


  2. Phi Phi Island Tour : 

1)      Bamboo Island – Relax on the white soft sand or swim on the clear waters.              2)      Phi Phi Don – Enjoy buffet lunch on the beach, swim snorkel, relax.                                3)      Loh Samah Bay – Snorkeling point with an abundance of species of colourful fish.                                                                                                                                                                     4)     Monkey Beach – Up close with the monkeys on a small deserted island, with coral reef,

   5)      Pileh Bay – Open sea snorkeling in a breathtaking blue lagoon surrounded by green limestone mountains.IMG_20180506_134040146

   6)      Maya Bay – Spectacular views and surreal scenery from the movie “The Beach”.

   7)      Viking Cave – From Boat click pics of this enchanted and sacred cave.


For both of these island tour you have to contact with the local tour operatives who will fix your time and itinerary for the day, and you will find them easily at many places..